
2024 Fundraising Development + Training

Donaide’s Exclusive MasterMind is here! Steve and the Donaide team will be working with a small group of growth-focused nonprofits, church organizations, and schools to accelerate fundraising goals and missions accomplished.

MasterMind Training:

Let’s face it, a single platform is not enough to succeed. You need tools and knowledge that have been proven to help make it happen. We are obsessed with creating user-friendly technology that our customers can understand and succeed with.

Based on our history we know it is even more important to have mentorship and training from a team that will help your organization overcome obstacles, get out of your own head, build the mindset and strategies to always be improving.

How to Participate:

Begin by filling out the application below for your organization to be considered towards Donaide’s next Mastermind Series in 2021.

Please keep in mind we are only taking growth-focused organizations. What does this mean? Organizations that are concentrated on growing the mission they serve and developing sustainable strategy for future growth.

Duration: Four weeks of individual and group training to develop the mindset, knowledge and skills to achieve your goals. After the four weeks we will host weekly private mastermind calls to insure continued improvement and success.

What topics will be covered?

  • Peer 2 Peer Fundraising Strategies
  • How + Why People Give
  • Strategy for Database Management
  • Effective Storytelling Strategies (Made Simple)
  • Donor Relationship Development
  • Impact Influencer Development

What will be achieved?

  • Identify giving profiles to answer why and how people or groups would want to give to your cause or organization.
  • Assess which methods of asking people to give are most suited to your organization and volunteer base.
  • Learn how to be emotionally + socially skilled facilitators of giving opportunities.
  • Develop your organization’s stories in a way that will motivate people and groups to become loyal, long-term supporters.
  • How to sensitively and effectively manage the fundraising process including processing donations, managing data, and communications.
  • Design and launch a fundraising strategic plan which works for your organization and be confident about next steps for each milestone.

Who is the program designed for?

This course is designed for anyone who would like to learn how to fundraise more effectively, communicate with donors, pitch to reluctant individuals, explore non-traditional methods, and harness the power of social networking to raise money.

The program will be extremely useful for leaders and members of small to medium non-profit organizations, local branches of larger charities, volunteer-led groups and community organizations, as well as under-experienced, new fundraisers, or people seeking to level-up in disciplines.

4-Week Agenda:

Week  1:  Mindset Training

Week 2:  Mission + Donor Clarity

Week 3:  Sales + Marketing

Week 4: Relationship Development

Daily Production Breakdown:

Monday:  Group Zoom; Opt-In Organizations (30 Minutes)

Tuesday:  Individual Calls; Opt-In Organizations (30 Minutes)

Wednesday: Live Session with Group (15 Minutes)

Thursday: Mastermind Training Zoom Call (75 Minutes)

Friday: Encouragement / Success Discussion Post in Group Private Page